Congratulations to the Victoria Handweavers and Spinners Guild. Treadle Lightly, the ANWG 2017 North West Weavers' Conference was a great success.
About half of our guild members made their way to Victoria to take part in the workshops, lectures, and shopping opportunities. We met old friends and made new friends.
The fashion show was not restricted to the runway. We got to show off our creative efforts and admire those of others and we came home with inspiration and a renewed creative energy.
A convoy of our members managed to transport all of the elements of our booth to the display location. The assembly went as planned (more or less) and the constructed elements held together. Thanks to the group that transported and assembled the booth. They had to come early to set it up and stay after the conference to take it down.
Grinsheep booth |
Weaver's Atelier Booth |
Shopping is a big part of every conference and judging from the bulging bags this conference was typical. Three of our members came as vendors. Some of our members came home with new looms (or at least looms on order), most added something new or unique to their stash. There was a nice mix of spinning and weaving supplies and some lovely finished goods as well.
Spirit Song Fiber Works |
Our guild wove prize ribbons for the various shows so we got to see our "weaving" on display even if we hadn't entered anything into the shows. But one of our members came home with several ribbons for her efforts.
Mary's "Spring Fever" tailored jacket
Mary's jacket was a multi-layered project starting with a dyed roving of mixed wool and silk fibres. Her handspun yarn turned out to be unsuitable for the knitted project she had in mind so she improvised and wove yardage with it. She also had to modify a jacket pattern to fit with the yardage. Unfortunately the picture shows the lovely prize ribbons but it covers up the hand worked button detail.
The long anticipated 2017 conference may be over but the planning has already started for the 2019 event. It is being hosted by the Prince George Fibre Arts Guild. It will take place June 11 to 16 in the city of Prince George, British Columbia. If you have any questions contact the conference committee at