Our guild members have been busy bees the last 2 months. Maybe it is the rain that is keeping us in doors and suggesting cozy activities to make the winter pass faster. Maybe it is that mound of yarn that we don't want to deal with when the spring cleaning urge takes over. Maybe inspiration from a workshop or study session has fired the need to create. Whatever the cause, our guild members have been weaving and knitting like fiends.

Several members came with multiple projects so the pictures show here are just a sampling of the items. Some are finished pieces like the colourful shawl. Others like the endless yardage, are hot off the loom and will reappear as a top or jacket in a future blog. Will you remember the picture of the yardage?
Often the best part of show and tell is the story behind the item on display. Take this knitted handspun shawl for example. When the final shawl provide to be a mite too small the knitter came up with an inventive fringe that is highlighted with beads. It not only enlarges the piece, it transforms it into something unique. Some times our apparent failures are really just an opportunity to apply imagination.

The rosepath baby blanket also has a story to tell. Many of us have planned to make a gift for an expected grand child only to find that 9 months goes by awfully fast leaving us scrambling to finish a blanket (in the right colours) right up to the delivery day. This grandma-to-be is thinking ahead. She is stocking up, just in case. Now that's planning ahead!
There is an industrious weaver hiding behind this lovely blanket. A perfect project for the winter.

The final photo in this posting is a series of samples from a workshop on colour that one of our members took recently. It was impossible not to catch her enthusiasm so we are all off to work on that next project which is our Colour Challenge piece. The colour challenge pieces are due on Monday March 18th which is the date of our next regular meeting.