In the ancient times of my youth, it was common practice to have students returning to school write an essay about what they did during the summer. So, in keeping with that practice, this entry is about events of the previous two months.
Most of us have taken some kind of break from weaving, spinning or knitting to enjoy the glorious summer weather. We may have travelled and left looms and spinning wheels at home or quite likely, since we live in "paradise", we hosted vistors and relatives. For some of us, this has been a particularly busy summer organizing the Vancouver Island Fibre Arts show and Fibre Fiesta fashion show.
The Qualicum Weavers and Spinners had a busy summer with public demonstrations and displays. The guild participated in the Summer by the Sea, street market in Parksville in August, the Oceanside Art Gallery show in July and the Lighthouse Community Fall Fair in early September. We had many positive comments about our displays and demonstrations.
It is always amazing to see how a group of spinning wheels attract small children and men as well as women. The children like to stroke the raw fibre and watch the magic wheel transform fibre into yarn. The men seem fascinated by the mechanics of the wheel itself. The wheels also invoke favourite memories for some.

We also had good fun and food at Judy's barbecue. It was nice that we included our long suffering companions who help when we need that strong arm or special tool and who tolerate our ever increasing stashes of yarn and fibre.
Summer is also a time for gathering inspiration. The ocean provides a multitude of ideas from colour schemes based on sand and water to the shapes of shells and sea weed. Gardens are another source of inspiration with bold colours, the subtle variations of green and contrasting shapes. Even bugs can inspire.
You may have found inspiration in another piece of art that you saw on your travels. It might have been a picture, a piece of pottery, a sculpture or even architecture. Hold on to that inspiration (better still take a photo) and use it to design your next project. How about yarn that reflects the colours in a picture, a scarf that reflects the textures of sea weed or a design that is based on the shape of a building?