Lace tea towel |
Fall asters are in bloom in the garden marking the approach of fall. This means busy times for our guild as we get back to regular meetings, study groups and projects not to mention thinking ahead to our annual show and sale. So much to do so little time!
In our loft studio and resource centre we are finishing up the last of the tea towel projects and getting ready to refurbish our studio looms. We have a Leclerc Fanny, counterbalance loom and a Gilmore jack loom that have both been in heavy use over the past few years. The latest project was based on a pattern in Atwater-Bronson lace. It was a challenge on the counter balance loom.
Lace tea towel |
It is always interesting to see how different people interpret the same pattern. One of the towels is a classic pastel with a subdued pattern whereas the other is bright, cheerful with a rustic look. I wonder what the weavers' kitchens look like???
Some of our guild members managed to find time between gardening, hosting relatives and vacationing to actually get some weaving and spinning done this summer.
Terry's scarf |
Linda's blanket |
Two of them had also been bargain hunting, We have some great thrift shops in our area and the craft section is always worth checking on, Below are photos of two pieces both made from the same thrift shop yarn. The yarn fulled beautifully and has a wonderful nap after brushing. Which proves that sometimes you can find a treasure amongst the discards.
It also justifies numerous trips to thrift shops just in case another bargain shows up.
Then of course there are "discards" that just need a little know how and determination to turn into something beautiful. The skeins of hand spun wool were created out of "leg hair" from a local Cotswold cross sheep. The yarn is coarse but would make a good rug yarn.
colour and weave gamp |
Other guild members have been busy studying. We are lucky to have an experienced teacher in our guild and many members are taking advantage of the
Weaver's Atelier and Linda Wilson. The most recent workshop combined colour and weave structure showing how the former is altered by the latter. The photos do not do justice to the cloth.
colour & weave gamp |
Guild members are gearing up for our annual show and sale, Elegant Threads. This year we will have a two day sale November 25 and 26. We hold our sale at Rotary House in downtown Qualicum Beach. Several other events will be going on that same weekend so a visit to Qualicum Beach would be well worth the trip.