Thursday, January 26, 2023

Works in Progress

shawl on the loom
 If you are an artisan you'll know that one of the most frequently asked questions is "how long did it take you to make that?"

If the piece is woven the answer usually involves a long explanation of the time difference between setting up a loom and the time to throw the shuttle to complete one item.  

Unfortunately most of us are familiar with the following situation.  You did all the preparation to make something but then it just sat for.... Oh, maybe weeks, months or even years in that "work in progress" stage.

Now that happens for various reasons.  You might have been called away, gone on vacation or otherwise had your studio time usurped by some more pressing need.  You may have started with great intentions only to decide something was just not right with the design, or you hated the colours once you saw them together in real life or it just didn't call out to you anymore.  It happens, but you can't tell a potential buyer "Oh, it took about 3 years until I forced myself to finish it". 

deflected double weave 

start of a butterfly shawl
It doesn't just happen to weavers although they have the disadvantage of a humongous piece of furniture with a half woven warp just staring at them.  It happens to all of us.  It's just that if you are a knitter it is easier to put your "work in progress" out of sight and out of mind.

top down sweater in progress

basket in process
You might be a bit more inclined to complete something that isn't easily stored in an unfinished state such as a half woven basket or a very wet piece of felted wool,

felted bowel in progress

A great thing about workshops is that you usually complete something before the workshop is over even if it is just a series of samples.  There is something about being part of a group that helps you keep going even when there are issues to overcome.  Maybe it is not wanting to be the only one who gives up.  More likely its the encouragement or suggestions that get you past the roadblocks.

So, if you are stuck with your own version of a "work in progress" that isn't progressing, it might be time to call on a fellow artisan to help push that project past the finish line.  A fresh pair of eyes might be all you need. 

deflected double weave scarf

And just for the record we did finish all these items.  It just took a little longer than expected for some of them.